Welcome to the National Commission for Justice, Peace, and Caritas (NCJPC), a beacon of hope and transformation in Liberia, established by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Liberia (CABICOL) on February 4, 2017. Our mission is profound yet clear: to proclaim and live out the gospel of reconciliation, justice, and peace of Jesus Christ, meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of all people in Liberia. We envision a Liberia that judiciously harnesses its resources for the common good, ensuring justice and peace for every citizen.
NCJPC is built on unwavering core values that guide our every action: the sanctity and dignity of every human being, the sacredness of all creation, and our commitment to fostering a just and peaceful society based on the gospel of Jesus Christ. These values are the compass that directs our work across the 15 counties of Liberia.

Promoting justice and peace is not optional; it's essential for Liberia's prosperous future.

To proclaim and live the gospel of reconciliation, Justice, and peace of Jesus Christ in meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of all people in Liberia.
A just and peaceful Liberia judiciously harnessing its resources for the common good.
Our Approach & Strategic Pillars
With offices in every county, NCJPC extends its reach to the heart of communities through a network of service monitors and volunteers. Our projects, from the “Access to Justice” to providing shelter and skills training to vulnerable groups, are a testament to our holistic approach. We collaborate closely with local and international partners, ensuring our initiatives are impactful and sustainable.
Our work is anchored in three strategic pillars: Building Effective Institutional Capacity, ensuring the Institutional Viability of NCJPC and its regional offices, and Improving Governance and Promoting Development. Through these pillars, we address critical issues such as capacity building, resource mobilization, and governance improvement, impacting both our staff and the broader community we serve.
Our Core Values
We believe in and uphold the sanctity and dignity of every human being.
We believe in and uphold the sacredness of all creation, including the just and responsible use of resources.
We work for a just and peaceful society based on the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Challenges We Hope To Address
The National Commission for Justice, Peace, and Caritas (NCJPC) confronts Liberia’s profound challenges, including legal access disparities, social injustice, and inadequate development infrastructure.
Despite strides towards recovery, many Liberians need help in achieving justice, accessing essential services, and seizing opportunities for sustainable development. NCJPC’s initiatives are designed to bridge these gaps by promoting the rule of law, advocating for social equity, and fostering community resilience.
Our commitment is to catalyze change, ensuring every Liberian can enjoy a life marked by dignity, peace, and opportunity. Through collective effort and steadfast dedication, NCJPC envisions a future where social justice and equitable development are realities for all in Liberia.
As National Director of NCJPC, I firmly believe in harnessing collective effort and education to drive change across Liberia. Our aim is to create pathways to success for every individual, ensuring they can reach their fullest potential in a society where justice, peace, and development are accessible to all, without any form of discrimination or inequality.
Snapshot of our Achievements
Years dedicated to charity, development, and social justice efforts across Liberia.
Individuals supported through charity outreach, including food and shelter provisions.
Participants in legal aid and social justice advocacy workshops.